Rest on the journey

I recently traveled by train from my home in Washington State to Chicago for a time of retreat.I was weary in body and spirit. I decided that a train would provide more opportunity for rest than the layers of stress associated with air travel. So I boarded the train, settled into my little room, and began a rhythm of naps, scheduled meals and spiritual practices of prayer, reading and journaling.

About 12 hours into my journey I suddenly had the sensation of God carrying me forward. Time was suspended. Any thought of “ Im just here until I get there” melted away. I stayed in that quiet space for the remainder of the day with gratitude for Gods kindness, thinking often of Psalm 131; resting as a very loved child in my Fathers arms.

I am now back in Washington with everyday life, challanges and responsibilities. It is harder to find that quiet moment with Jesus but how much we miss by not make space. He longs to draw near and hear us, help us, even carry us. I hope you are developing a rhythm of rest in your life. Daily quiet, walks , retreats, a regular sabbath practice, perhaps an occasional train ride. He is waiting for you.

If you would like some ideas on cultivating more rest in your life, message me on the contact page. I would be happy to point you to resources and practices I have found to be helpful.

Travel Well…


Lessons from a tree…