Follow the ancient path
Jeremiah 6:16
Offering Christian spiritual direction to fellow pilgrims on the way
What is spiritual direction?
Spiritual direction is an ancient church tradition that provides a sacred space and a spiritual companion to help us grow in awareness of God’s movement in our lives.
It is a journey of learning to better recognize the work and voice of the Holy Spirit and to grow in our understanding of God’s profound desire to reveal Himself to us through the ordinary as well as the sacred moments of life.
The role of the spiritual director is to facilitate a deeper awareness and communication between the directee and God.
The director is a companion, co-listener and witness of God’s movement and invitations in the directee’s life. This is done through prayer, silence and reflection together.
Who is spiritual direction for?
While many things are discussed in spiritual direction, it is not therapy or pastoral counseling. Spiritual Direction is for anyone with a desire to:
Deepen awareness of God in their everyday life
Learn to better listen and discern the voice of the Holy Spirit
Learn to honestly share with God their feelings, doubts and questions.
Discover God’s care in the midst of difficulties.
Move from preoccupation with self to a grace-filled life of love and service.